lunes, 30 de marzo de 2020


Quince días en cuarentena y la Naturaleza, afortunadamente, sigue su curso.

3 comentarios:

rossichka dijo...
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rossichka dijo...

Hello, Roberto! We are going through such tough times! Our emotions and perceptions of the world around become stronger, our plans ruin, our way of living change, new feelings and fears appear in our lives... But what I like is to see how people of art follow their imagination and talk about how they feel, through sharing their creations with us! Just like you! IlLike your drawing! Hope you and all members of your family are doing well! Keep safe!xx
P.P. I have a new post in my blog - after a year and a half!

30 de marzo de 2020 a las 18:58

José A. García dijo...

Ya pronto saldremos al mundo una vez más y olvidaremos todo lo que aprendimos.

